Four Ways to Achieve the Power of Focus

Focus on the task at hand.
Busyness is not better.  Work less by working smarter not harder.  We have heard these expressions before.  But are we listening to the point that we need to focus?
If we seek to understand the power of laser focus, we will accomplish much more.  The term multitasking is very popular, but not a good way to use our energy.  Our brains are wired to do one thing at a time.
Stanford University research has concluded:
“Multitasking reduces your efficiency and performance because your brain can only focus on one thing at a time. When you try to do two things at once, your brain lacks the capacity to perform both tasks successfully.”
Write down your plans.  A written plan helps give you clarity and propel you in the right direction.
Remove distractions.  Cell phones, email, people with questions are all important, but when you are trying to accomplish a task, they can be annoying.  So make a plan to deliberately check your email at certain times of the day, and then leave it alone.  Unless you are expecting a very important phone call, your cell phone will take messages until you can get done with the task at hand.
Establish a quiet zone time during the day when your staff knows you will not be available unless it is an emergency.
The extra time you gain to work on your most pressing projects will help your productivity and reduce your stress.  Keep focused and prosper!