When Do You Get to Take a Break?

Our families are very important. Taking care of them along with our other responsibilities seems to make the days move faster all the time. Is it possible to slow down our lives? It seems to me that people are so overscheduled today that they don’t have time to think.  Stress comes from every direction.
Both thinking and playing are essential for our lives. My dad once told me that I should take at least 15 minutes a day to do absolutely nothing. We all need to take a little time to unwind with our thoughts, consider our dreams, and acknowledge our accomplishments to ourselves.
If you think you have no time to do anything else in your busy schedule, try doing something you love for just 15 minutes a day…it will make a big difference.

tea-381235_1280Make a Difference in 15 Minutes

Here are some suggestions to get you started:
*Sit in solitude and think about your dreams.
*Write to decompress or be creative.
*Walk or run to get your body moving.
*Talk to a friend or family member you haven’t seen in a long time or who would like to keep in touch with.
*Pray or meditate
*Dance, yes, turn on the music in your house and dance!
*Paint or sketch a picture
*Use your camera to capture some great pictures.
*Play a musical instrument
*Read a favorite or new book
*Take a shower
How many other ways can you use 15 minutes to decompress? Please write to me. I would love to hear them.