Make Your New Business Plan for 2018 Now!

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Here we are at the end of 2017!  Get a jump start for the new year and make your new business plan now. December not only means a time of celebration with our families but it is also time to celebrate what we have done in our business! Take some time to review your accomplishments for the year. It will give you a boost when you begin to plan for the new year. Block out some time for you to think about what goals you want to achieve and what your focus will be.

When you do your business planning for the new year, take a look at what your customers truly want and create something uniquely special for them.  It may be a new product or a premium service offering that brings them the results they have been craving. In the age of connecting everything to the internet, I believe people are starving for personal interaction. If you take the time to follow up with your customers by calling them or sending them a handwritten note, you may be surprised at what happens.
For your social marketing portfolio, look at your target market and where they are on social media. Here are a couple of ideas you may not have thought about:
Instagram is a great place to market your products or services. Remember that it is a visual platform so make your images beautiful.  Look for influencers who have a big following, contact them and see if you can purchase advertising or a shout out from them. Use their big followings for leverage to expand your business and provide their followers with value.
Pinterest – If your product or service caters to women, this is also a good place to make passive income by posting eye-catching vertical posts with links to your sales pages, affiliate links, or coupon codes. Make boards of interest with gift ideas, or topics that your clients would be interested in.
Whichever social media platform you use, find a place in your schedule each week to write and produce your posts for the entire week so you don’t have to worry about what you are going to post each day.
Make a plan and take action. That is the mantra that is running through my head as we move into the new year.
If you need to take action by finding a different direction in your career, grow your business, or are thinking about starting a new business, please go to my calendar at and schedule a time for us to talk or visit for more information.