10 Ways to Grow Your Business


We are two-thirds done with 2017! As we venture into to the rest of the year, what goals do you have for business growth? Most of us would agree that we want to become more visible to potential clients and helpful to the ones we already have.  Here are ten ways to help you do that:
1. Think about the needs of your customer and ways you can inform, educate and entertain them.
2. Go to the places your clients choose to be on social media and join the
3. Involve your clients in a promotion to help a cause that both you and your
    clients believe in.
4. Write thank you notes to your customers on a regular basis.
5. Periodically send a gift of appreciation to your best customers.
6.  Go out into your community and be visible through networking opportunities.
7.  Think about the clients that most need your product or service and partner
     with people who already serve your client base.
8.  Provide useful information in a report, or a handy online tool your customers
     can use.
9.  Always strive to provide massive value.
10. Call your clients to see how they are doing and what they need. It might
       surprise them to hear from you personally on the phone. (If they are the kind
       you can reach by phone.)
We know that whatever we do to help our customers know, like, and trust us, is going to help grow our business. Providing quality service is a mindset.  Investing in service to our clients pays big dividends in business growth and personal satisfaction.  Set your goals and get growing for the rest of 2017!
If you would like help with growing your business or reinventing your career, please email me at Maria@marialuchsinger.com for a free strategy session.