Everett Art Walk and Book Signing at Grow Washington

Maria Luchsinger is signing her new book!

The Grow Washington Store of Everett at 3013 Colby Avenue will be hosting the Everett Art Walk and a book signing with Maria Luchsinger.  Maria will be sharing her new Amazon best-selling book, How to Get Your Joy Back!: A Women’s Guide to Midlife Career Transformation.

The event will be held from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 pm. on Thursday, July 20th, 2017.

80 Summer Side Hustles For Extra Cash

Summer cash for you!

Who doesn’t need a little extra cash? These suggestions are great for you or a young person in your life who needs to make a little extra money this summer (or maybe a lot).

69 Ways to Make Money
For the creatively inclined, GearBubble.com makes it easy for you to sell merchandise that you design directly to Amazon without inventory. They will make it on demand when the orders come in. They have now made it possible for you to connect with Amazon and put your merchandise for sale there with a click of a button. There is a $29.00 monthly fee to do that or you can try to do it yourself. Mugs seem to be the most popular and it would not take many commissions to recoup your fee.
Rachel Rofe is making a living doing this and she has a course called the Low Hanging Fruit system for further information.
Nick Loper is the Chief Hustler of Side Hustle Nation. I have been following him for over a year now and he has so many different side hustle opportunities that he side hustles full time to support his family.
Right now, you can get one of his books for free on Kindle. It is called Side Hustle Path: 10 Proven Ways to Make Money Outside of Our Day Job. He also has a great book called Buy Buttons with even more information.
So there you have 80 avenues to further your bank account. Get started on your way to a fantastic summer!
If you need to totally switch from your day job and would like help finding a career that best suits your strengths and personality, get in touch with me at Maria@Marialuchsinger.com or visit my website to get my free e-book Three Secrets to Career Transformation. 

Choosing Midlife Career Change Strategies

Midlife women have career challenges when it comes to returning to the work force, leaving a frustrating position, or planning for retirement. They often seek a career change.  After working almost seven years in downtown Seattle, I left a stressful corporate job with a long commute to pursue my strengths that were in the area of creativity. 

A flexible work schedule and time to visit family who lived far away were important factors in my decision for career change. My career reinvention includes substitute teaching for the Everett School District, writing books, and coaching women so they can find their own paths to joyful careers.

As a career strategist, I coach women using this philosophy, “You owe it to yourself to explore the possibilities of how you want to spend your time because you can never get it back. I encourage women to visualize, strategize, and energize their dreams!”

I wrote my new Amazon best-selling book, How to Get Your Joy Back!: A Women’s Guide to Midlife Career Transformation, to provide a step-by-step formula for helping women match with careers that take their strengths, talents, and personality into consideration.

       How to Get Your Joy Back!

Part One helps women identify where they are now in their life. Part Two includes worksheets, online tools and self-reflection. Part Three provides direction and resources for a number of ways to develop multiple streams of income. Some of the opportunities included are starting a business, writing, and speaking. References include how to find career related information along with internet link addresses to over 100 resources.

“This book is an excellent tool for women that want to become empowered, go to the next level in their lives, and start following their purpose. I recommend it as a must-read.”

-Althea Ledford, Editor of E The Magazine for Today’s Female Executive

“A practical and soul-nourishing balance of strategies to support your career goals. Vibrant with possibility.”

– Ana Rosenberg, Best-selling Author

For my free e-book called Three Secrets to Career Transformation visit Maria Luchsinger.com.

Reading With Kids Is So Important!

As a teacher and author, I have always been extremely aware of the difference that reading out loud with our children can make. I was excited to be able to discuss this on the Reading With Your Kids podcast.  Here is my interview with the host as we discuss the Sammy the Centipede Book series and the importance of reading with our children.

Now is the Time for Change!

Move to a Place Where Your Joy and Strengths Intersect.

Are you ready for a career change?  Have you come to a place where life has become frustrating?  Maybe the job you have pays the bills, but does not pay your mind and creativity the dividends they need.

I was in that position at the end of 2010. The company where I worked was going through a merger and I wasn’t getting home every night until almost 7:00 p.m. I decided there had to be a better way.

This realization led me on a journey of re-invention and I am determined to help other women get in touch with their joy and find where their strengths intersect with a career path that excites them.

This is why I am so happy to announce the launch of my new book, How to Get Your Joy Back! – A Women’s Guide to Midlife Career Transformation.  If you are looking for a way to pinpoint your next career direction with a step-by-step plan, please take this opportunity to get a copy. What you find might surprise you and start a personal revolution.

I would appreciate your honest review on Amazon.  You can go to my website at www.marialuchsinger.com or find the book at Amazon.com.

I am a teacher, speaker, and certified life coach specializing in career strategy. I would love to talk with you about your next move.  Contact me at maria@marialuchsinger.com.

Here is to joy and success in your life!


Time for New Beginnings

As I write this message to you, I am looking at the blue sky and puffy white clouds out my office window. There has been so much rain in March, I was beginning to think the gray would never end. The Pacific Northwest is one of the most beautiful places to live because we have the changing landscape of the mountains and water. I am a tree lover, and so I am happy that all of the flowers and trees will have look beautiful after all of the rain we have had.

At different points in our lives we encounter gray and rainy skies. It seems like it is taking a long time for them to end, but then the sun comes out brighter than ever. For me, one of my daughters was recently married, my husband started a new job, and my latest book was just published! Voila! Those sunny skies are helping to transform life once again. What has been happening in your life?

When our lives are experiencing gray skies, it is comforting to know that no situation is permanent. I think we can affect the weather in our lives by making the best use of our time for positive endeavors. I like the way businessman and columnist, Harvey Mackay puts it:

“Time is free, but it’s priceless. You can’t own it, but you can use it. You can’t keep it, but you can spend it. Once you’ve lost it, you can ever get it back.”

Have a Great New Year Without Resolutions!

Are you like 95% of the people who make resolutions and don’t keep them? Let me help you to avoid the big disappointment.  Don’t make them at all!

Yes, that’s right. Instead, I want to encourage you to take the One Word Challenge that many people have been talking about. That is to define one word that will be yours for the entire year.

Think about what you want to accomplish and then pick a word that will help you get there. One word is so much easier than writing down resolutions.  My word is “Focus” because it will help me reach the goals I have set for this year.  They include to launch and market my new book, How to Get Your Joy Back! – A Women’s Guide to Midlife Career Transformation.  Another goal is to gain new coaching clients so I can help them strategize ways to help them with their work and life balance.

I want to challenge you to take some time to review all that you have accomplished in 2016 and then take that feeling of confidence and write down your plans for 2017.  When you are done, pick one word that will help you achieve your goals for this year. Congratulations, you are on your way to a great year without resolutions!

Summon Your Inner Ninja!

Ninja warriors are known for their martial arts and stealth which require confidence and focus.

I recently attended a Bill Baren coaching event in Los Angeles.  Our final activity of the conference was to break a board with our bare hands.  We were to write what we thought was holding us back on one side of the board, and what we were trying to achieve on the other.  We were then instructed on the proper stance and energy gathering moves before being given three tries to complete our objective.

I had determined that I was going to break that board on the first try.  I paid close attention to the instructions and when my turn came, I broke the board!  I did not know how strong my inner ninja was.  You may not need to break a board, but summon your inner ninja the next time an obstacle seems too daunting.  With courage, persistence, and a plan, you will achieve your dreams.

My Ninja Board

My Ninja Board

Begin Again – Take Action Now!

Courtesy of USA Today

Courtesy of USA Today

It’s football season again! Time to begin cheering your favorite team. (For me, it is the Seahawks!) What can we all learn from our favorite teams?  We may not be able to get out there on the field but a great team attitude is something we can all use.  At times we are solely responsible for our own project or business even if we have a team of people we can call on.

Under those circumstances, we might get discouraged and want to quit. What does an athlete do when he doesn’t quite get that play right?  He gets up and begins again.

Many times life brings struggles that we don’t understand.  We lose a loved one unexpectedly, don’t get that promotion like we thought, or  we started on that plan to lose weight but it hasn’t happened yet.  What to do?  – Begin again.  Remember the loved one in your heart, rethink your job situation for the next best step, make a plan to exercise that makes sense for your schedule.

Olympic athletes train many years for that one chance to bring home a medal.  Every day they train and each day they are ready to begin again.  Fresh starts are the answer.  Today’s disappointments are enough for today. In the morning, we begin again.

Staying in the present moment is extremely hard in the world we live in.  So many distractions seem to paralyze us from getting the most important things done.  Fear keeps us from trying new things that we know could better our situation.  What is the answer?  The answer is to begin with a game plan and take action now.  Go Hawks!


Rise Above the Noise

Take Time for What's Important to You


Have you had it?  Everyone wants a piece of your time, your day, your life?  Making a conscious effort to disconnect will help contain the barrage of continual requests for your time and attention.  Scrutinizing those requests could help eliminate them.

I just finished reading a condensed version of Essentialism by Greg McKeown. “Essentialists create a space to design, a space to concentrate, and a space to read.”  The space to design is a place you make for yourself where you can go to get away from everything and think about how you want your life to be.  The space to concentrate is where you go to think about where all the information you have been taking in fits into the bigger picture.

Basically, you have to figure out what is really important to you in your life and gear your choices around that.  You may be involved in places that are good, but not necessarily the right place for you now.

Evaluate Your Level of Involvement

In light of what is truly important to you, evaluate all the places where you are connected to see if they are a good fit for you right now.  You may have to gracefully exit from demands that you have let others place on you, with a graceful “No”.  In today’s world, it takes a great amount of energy to live a simplified life.

I agree with Greg when he suggests that we all need to be aware of the present in the moment we are in, take time to play, and get enough sleep.  Don’t be afraid of missing out on something because you are sleeping.  Luebeck University research showed that sleep increases brain power.

When you look back on your life, what are the major goals that you would like to have accomplished?  If you start now by living the life you have envisioned for yourself, you will not be disappointed.  I challenge you to find a quiet place, think about what is most important to you and write it down.  You may be surprised at what you find.  Now go make plans to do it!